Commit a98c4939 authored by yangyang.ex's avatar yangyang.ex


parent 217ab358
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* This file was auto-generated from WSDL
* by the Apache Axis2 version: 1.7.9 Built on : Nov 16, 2018 (12:05:37 GMT)
* WBStatusCallbackHandler Callback class, Users can extend this class and implement
* their own receiveResult and receiveError methods.
public abstract class WBStatusCallbackHandler {
protected Object clientData;
* User can pass in any object that needs to be accessed once the NonBlocking
* Web service call is finished and appropriate method of this CallBack is called.
* @param clientData Object mechanism by which the user can pass in user data
* that will be avilable at the time this callback is called.
public WBStatusCallbackHandler(Object clientData) {
this.clientData = clientData;
* Please use this constructor if you don't want to set any clientData
public WBStatusCallbackHandler() {
this.clientData = null;
* Get the client data
public Object getClientData() {
return clientData;
* auto generated Axis2 call back method for queryOrderDtlStatus method
* override this method for handling normal response from queryOrderDtlStatus operation
public void receiveResultqueryOrderDtlStatus( result) {
* auto generated Axis2 Error handler
* override this method for handling error response from queryOrderDtlStatus operation
public void receiveErrorqueryOrderDtlStatus(java.lang.Exception e) {
* auto generated Axis2 call back method for queryWBStatusForEcp method
* override this method for handling normal response from queryWBStatusForEcp operation
public void receiveResultqueryWBStatusForEcp( result) {
* auto generated Axis2 Error handler
* override this method for handling error response from queryWBStatusForEcp operation
public void receiveErrorqueryWBStatusForEcp(java.lang.Exception e) {
* auto generated Axis2 call back method for queryWBStatusForEcp2 method
* override this method for handling normal response from queryWBStatusForEcp2 operation
public void receiveResultqueryWBStatusForEcp2( result) {
* auto generated Axis2 Error handler
* override this method for handling error response from queryWBStatusForEcp2 operation
public void receiveErrorqueryWBStatusForEcp2(java.lang.Exception e) {
* auto generated Axis2 call back method for queryWBStatusForQRCode method
* override this method for handling normal response from queryWBStatusForQRCode operation
public void receiveResultqueryWBStatusForQRCode( result) {
* auto generated Axis2 Error handler
* override this method for handling error response from queryWBStatusForQRCode operation
public void receiveErrorqueryWBStatusForQRCode(java.lang.Exception e) {
* auto generated Axis2 call back method for queryChangeModelVO method
* override this method for handling normal response from queryChangeModelVO operation
public void receiveResultqueryChangeModelVO( result) {
* auto generated Axis2 Error handler
* override this method for handling error response from queryChangeModelVO operation
public void receiveErrorqueryChangeModelVO(java.lang.Exception e) {
* auto generated Axis2 call back method for queryWBStatus method
* override this method for handling normal response from queryWBStatus operation
public void receiveResultqueryWBStatus( result) {
* auto generated Axis2 Error handler
* override this method for handling error response from queryWBStatus operation
public void receiveErrorqueryWBStatus(java.lang.Exception e) {
* auto generated Axis2 call back method for queryOrderStatus method
* override this method for handling normal response from queryOrderStatus operation
public void receiveResultqueryOrderStatus( result) {
* auto generated Axis2 Error handler
* override this method for handling error response from queryOrderStatus operation
public void receiveErrorqueryOrderStatus(java.lang.Exception e) {
* auto generated Axis2 call back method for queryWBInfos method
* override this method for handling normal response from queryWBInfos operation
public void receiveResultqueryWBInfos( result) {
* auto generated Axis2 Error handler
* override this method for handling error response from queryWBInfos operation
public void receiveErrorqueryWBInfos(java.lang.Exception e) {
* auto generated Axis2 call back method for cancelWBService method
* override this method for handling normal response from cancelWBService operation
public void receiveResultcancelWBService( result) {
* auto generated Axis2 Error handler
* override this method for handling error response from cancelWBService operation
public void receiveErrorcancelWBService(java.lang.Exception e) {
* auto generated Axis2 call back method for queryWBCheckStatus method
* override this method for handling normal response from queryWBCheckStatus operation
public void receiveResultqueryWBCheckStatus( result) {
* auto generated Axis2 Error handler
* override this method for handling error response from queryWBCheckStatus operation
public void receiveErrorqueryWBCheckStatus(java.lang.Exception e) {
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